My name is Ann Feil and I am the Chief Operations Officer at Salina Family Healthcare Center. I have been in my position for over 11 years and during that time, SFHC has grown significantly! In 2010, SFHC had 75 employees and today, we are proud to employ 140 staff members. Not only is our employee 5 year retention rate 42%, but 19% of our positions are new within the last 5 years. We have added new service lines and departments to our clinic, including Pharmacy, Behavioral Health, Care Coordination, Quality, Marketing, and Community Outreach.
Our path to growth has also been under constant construction. Our building has undergone many different changes and renovations over the past decade. At one point, we counted over fifteen construction or minor renovation projects throughout the last 10 years! Projects that are more notable include expanding our building to increase the number of dental operatories and open our in-house pharmacy, adding more medical exam rooms, renovating our lab draw station and clinical laboratory, streamlining our front lobby and reception area, reorganizing our residency and faculty offices, and rebranding with our new logo and colors with exterior and interior signage and paint.
Throughout all of this growth and change, one theme has remained the same – the dedication, passion, and willingness of our staff to adjust and adapt to the needs of our patients, clinic, and our community. SFHC’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing proof of each one of us living out our organization’s mission: To serve our community at the crossroads of compassionate healthcare and professional education. We continue to answer the call, put our patients and neighbors first, and stand up for our core values, including excellence, access, social justice, and patient-centeredness. This constant and unwavering commitment is why I am proud and grateful to work at Salina Family Healthcare Center!